WordPress - Konzept - Fullscreen Portfolio WordPress Theme | ThemeForest
Konzept Fullscreen Portfolio WordPress Theme Portfolio Creative his title this type of WordPress/Creative/Portfolio This time I will review,made by Flow, WordPress/Creative/Portfolio is sold at a price of $50 in themeforest.agency // fullscreen // gallery // html5 // ipad // iphone // minimal // modern // photo // portfolio // professional // responsive // slideshow // studio // video //
Created | 23 May 12 |
Last Update | 23 May 13 |
Columns | 1 |
Compatible Browsers | IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Software Version | WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4 |
Documentation | Well Documented |
High Resolution | Yes |
Layout | Responsive |
ThemeForest Files Included | Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files |
Widget Ready | Yes |
KONZEPT is a portfolio solution for creative professionals of refined taste. Extensive control options, responsive behavior, fullscreen experience and clutter-free approach put your works in focus. Powerful Typography Plugin included. The definitive portfolio solution for creative professionals available now.
Version: (12 Dec 2012) Documentation: Documentation (v1.0.4 / last updated 07 August 2012) Trial: Trial website (v2.0-beta) Support/Information:
Demo Versions
- Dark Version (Thumbnails)
- Dark Version (Projects List)
- Dark Version (Thumbnails + Slideshow)
- Dark Version (Projects List + Slideshow)
- Light Version (Thumbnails)
- Light Version (Projects List)
- Light Version (Thumbnails + Slideshow)
- Light Version (Projects List + Slideshow)
Mobile Demo
Major Features
- Portfolio display with category filter
- Thumbnails or Text Listing modes
- Featured Slider (Images or HTML5 videos)
- Multi-category projects
- Present Identity, Motion, Web, Print, Photo projects and more!
- HTML5 video slides
- Built-in Dribbble feed
- News section
- About Us section
- Services section
- 85+/100 Google Page Speed Points
- Blog
- Ability to create any other pages with custom layouts
- Contact Form
- SEO Optimized
- Social Shares
- Responsive Behaviors
- iPhone/iPad compatible
Powered by SuperSlide
- Advanced slide manager
- Upload projects quickly & efficiently
- Drag & Drop upload support
- Drag & Drop slide sorting
- Video, Youtube, Vimeo support (HTML5 videos are skipped on iPhone/iPad)
The Future is Here
- True fullscreen on any display
- Unlimited scaling – 300ppi screen support & Apple Retina display support now
- Various input options – control your experience however you like
- Smooth flash-like experience on various platforms
- Adjust any fonts using included powerful Typography Plugin
Other Features
- Unbranded Options Panel
- Automatic image resizing and/or cropping to any size
- Text Logo (+ tagline)
- Image Logo
- Extensive documentation + many videos on support forum
- PSD included
- 100% valid HTML5
- Compatible with WP3 .3 and IE9 +, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
- External links in project and slide descriptions
- AJAX Powered
- Social Shares
What Others Are Saying
Wow, you guys are always pushing the envelope of what’s possible with WP. - Dave Aaron
Sick man, the animations and transitions are killer and really supplement the overall design, congrats! - Owen Shifflett
Beautiful work! I’ve never seen such a professional portfolio theme. - Nick Sigler
The design is absolutely stunning! - kailoon
Speechless, yet again. I am all for the purchase! - projectsourced
Wow this is amazing. Like Wow. Wow! - publicglaze
This is F*cking awesome man, thumbs up. Great work. Really hard to not buy it- Massfocus
DUDE! This looks AMAZING! So great to have something new to see!! All the bew themes of late have been getting a bit boring but this is super hot! Buying right away! - ladydekade
Shut up and take my money!(Your agency theme user, soon to be ex user…now I must use Konzept - animatika
AWESOME! - purethemes
This absolutely rocks, definite purchase. Great work. - velocity_uk
Amazing fresh work!- kotofey
AMAZZZZZING !!!! - ladydekade
This is amazing. And I am going to force myself to use it for my own site. Thanks Flower, have been waiting for a portfolio like this, and I am GLAD I waited so long! - dbrowne
Just epic, love the font choices – never seen those on TF before. Good luck with sales!- freshface
Sweet piece!- GoodLayers
AWESOME AND POWERFUL! Bookmarked! - westkast
I love you. This one will be mine todayBut one thing you’ll have to promise: Support this masterpiece and keep on developing for a long time. And (important): Please don’t die within the next 5-6 months (cuz of the support.. you know)
- destynate
Wow. Hats off to you! A truly amazing build! - mrschwartz
Amazing Theme! Still astonished by it’s interactivity. - Lung
Awesome work!!!! - swimnews
Purchased it & have to say – love it… - innovadia
Excellent theme, congratulations. - marcinhocarvalho
I must say, this theme finally forced my to signup. For the last two years I had just been browsing themeforest. This was the tipping point for me. Great JobI am definitely going to buy this. - sumeetminhas
Your support is AWESOME by the way. Do you ever sleep;) - successmatters
I have to say I regularly look for a better, more simple, better equipped theme quite often. This may be the the best theme I’ve come across since signing up, the typography alone is enough to buy. Cheers, Great Job! - desgingrosse
Best theme I’ve bought hands down! Great effort! - Andy-Brown
Got it! Killer! Thanks again.You do a hell of a job helping all of your customers! Thanks again! - PHANTAZMA
I am amazed and delighted with your support. Thank you very much. I appreciate the speed and your seriousness. Thank you so much! - dormopoco
See how others are using KONZEPT. Have a portfolio site running KONZEPT? Send us a link and get featured!
- Karl Lagerfeld – http://www.karl.com/
- Scott Harris Brasher – http://scottharrisbrasher.com/
- Victor M. Samuel Photography – http://www.victormsamuel.com/
- Phantazma Pictures – http://phantazmapictures.com/film/
- Rene Haas portfolio – http://renehaas.com/
- Keupink Labs – http://keupinklabs.nl/
- Marko Rapaic’s Portfolio – http://www.markorapaic.com.au/
- Josh Grieve’s Portfolio – http://joshgrieve.com/
- Rodrigo Thomaz – http://rodrigothomaz.com/
- Bala – http://www.wearebala.com/
- Garage Clandescino – http://www.edigahost.it/garageclandestino/
- Zennith – http://www.zennith.es/
- SocialDom – http://www.socialdom.com/
- Ferreirex – http://ferreirex.com/
- Jonas Jensen’s portfolio – http://www.jonasj.com/
- Jeremy Park’s portfolio – http://advertisingphotographer.com.au
- E77 – http://e77.com.br/
- Digital-Ray – http://digital-ray.dk/web12/
- Netwise Group – http://www.netwisegroup.co.uk/
- Benjamin Van Vianen – http://www.benjaminvanvianen.nl./
- Jordi Bernadó – http://apartstudio.com/wp/
- Rlira – http://weblira.net76.net/
- Cord – http://www.cordnyc.com/
- Sketchbook – http://merdesign.co.uk/sketchbook/
Need Support?
If you need support, please visit our support forum. We will usually get back to you within 24-72hours. Complex issues may take longer.
=== v1.0.4.4 (12 December 2012, 17:05 CET) === Fixed: Checked for WP3.5 compatibility - 1 bug fix. === v1.0.4.3 (12 November 2012, 18:20 CET) === Fixed: Coming soon page in IE9. Fixed: Project view in IE9. === v1.0.4.2 (07 November 2012) === Removed: Image resizer for front page thumbnails (less server load). === v1.0.4.1 (12 September 2012 11:05PM CET) === Fixed: Continuation of fixes to IE9 only. === v1.0.4 (05 September 2012 10:10PM CET) === Fixed: Featured slideshow videos autoplay on launch. Fixed: Distortion of images in IE9. Fixed: Thumbnails in different sizes in IE9. Fixed: Chrome z-index bug that appeared on September 2012. Fixed: Proper resizing of "fit screen" images. Fixed: Projects load around 500ms to 1 second faster now! Fixed: Pages can now have background image or solid color. Fixed: Major improvements to all z-indexes and switching to responsive behavior on desktop computers (stretching website in all possible directions on PC/MAC shouldn't cause any more problems now like mobile menu appearing on top of slides). Added: Windows Phone compatibility. Added: More strings are now translatable (such as "Date", "All Works" etc.) === v1.0.3 (07 August 2012) === Fixed: Background images in light version are now supported. Fixed: "X" icon in white version has correct hover placement now. Added: YouTube/Vimeo support for iPad/iPhone. === v1.0.2 (28 June 2012) === Fixed: Background images on sub-pages. Fixed: Mac/FF cursor - system rendering (hardware acceleration) issues. Fixed: Collision of "style" and "tagline" variables under [Konzept > General]. Added: Increased "X" area. Added: Disable multiline descriptions in script. === v1.0.1 (29 May 2012) === Fixed: Header may not collapse on blog. Fixed: Featured slider was limited to 5 large images (1920px+), now 10. Fixed: Featured Slideshow video (as first slide only) won't play straight away. Fixed: Header may not collapse on blog. Fixed: Light skin - dark loading circle won't disappear upon project load. Fixed: Long text will cause text overlapping on some pages templates. Fixed: Content on "default page template" isn't centered by default. Fixed: Top menu disappears after you save settings in [Konzept > General] panel. Fixed: jQuery occasionally breaks. Info: All portfolio entries need titles (in two places, see documentation). Info: You can't create multi-line cover slide descriptions. === v1.0 (23 May 2012) === Konzept has been released.
KONZEPT was developed by Anthony Jones (concept and design) and Flow (code).KONZEPT uses Novecento font by Synthview, available from Fontspring. You need to accept Novecento’s EULA agreement before downloading if you’re planning to use it in your commercial or non-commercial projects: [View License].
Big thanks to all great designers who provided preview content for KONZEPT: Guilherme Villar, Anthony Jones, Pavel Pavlov, Vanessa Gong, Alexander Laguta, Kostadin Kostadinov, Sergey Shapiro, Shaun Moynihan, Nimax.
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