Sunday, June 17, 2012

mfxAccordion jQuery/CSS3 Accordion

JavaScript - mfxAccordion - jQuery/CSS3 Accordion - CodeCanyon

mfxAccordion jQuery/CSS3 Accordion his title this type of JavaScript/Miscellaneous This time I will review,made by ser-html, JavaScript/Miscellaneous is sold at a price of $4 in CodeCanyon. mfxAccordion - jQuery/CSS3 Accordion - CodeCanyon Item for Sale mfxAccordion - jQuery/CSS3 Accordion - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
Live PreviewScreenshots
marketplace.queue(function(){ marketplace.initializers.largePreview(); });

This jQuery/CSS3 accordion uses CSS3 transitions for modern browsers while having a jQuery animation fallback for less featured browsers.

mfxAccordion has configuration options for supporting multiple sections open at once and animation speed. It supports multiple accordions per page.

PLEASE NOTE : The live preview will take you to a Screenr screencast. This is not the highest quality or smoothest video, and should only be viewed for an explanation of functionality. The actual accordion animates very smoothly (CSS3).

Some Nice Words

Just purchased. Absolutely beautiful! Definitely one of the best I have ever used. – mordauk